Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park

We went to the Ku-ring-gai national park on Saturday and it was great. Not too cold and it didn't rain! We did a couple of walking tracks and had our lunch at one of the beaches. Really nice. It was all Simon's idea.

ESP: Este finde fuimos al Ku-ring-gai parque nacional. No hizo demasiado frio y tampoco llovio. Estuvo muy bien, nos tomamos nuestro bocata en una de las playas... muy bonito. Fue todo idea de Simon.

We did 2 walks on the day. The first went from a picnic stop at the top of the ridge down the hill side and along the coast with some short tracks down to the beaches. There were some very faint and not too impressive aboriginal paintings on some rock faces as well as rock engravings which were covered by water so not very easy to see. The area covers the south side of the Hawksbury river entrance and is full open water areas with great estuary views.

ESP: hicimos dos de los tracks. El primero fue el mejor, vimos unos muy antiguos restos de arte aborigena, aunque no estaban muy bien conservados. Pero en conjunto estuvo genial. Me encantaria volver antes de que nos vayamos y hacer otros dos tracks. Ya veremos si hay tiempo... madre mia! los dias se pasan volando!

Our Brief Aussie stay

Well as mentioned earlier, here is a brief view of the last 3 years spent on our "Brief" 8 year Aussie adventure. Hope you find some photo's that you like.

Tasmania May 2008

Cradle Mountain, Wineglass Bay, Montezuma's Falls.

Carols Visit to Spain 2008
Family Gatherings, Friends and a great summer in Madrid

More To Follow...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Our New Blog Adventure

Hello Happy People.

Welcome to our new blog world where you will be able to see the latest and greatest from our upcoming adventures. We will be attempting to keep this space up to date as we embark on a whirlwind tour of Asia and Canada.

Our plans are slowly but surely falling into place and the 2 month countdown is well and truly under way. Vaccinations are being painfully administered and necessary equipment purchased. It's an exciting as
well as nerve racking time. Please check back soon as we will be posting a photo journey of our brief 8 YEAR! stay in Aus.

Hasta pronto amigos!
